The San Francisco Region Citroën Car Club (SFRCCC) has more than 120 active members with Citroën models ranging from the Traction Avant through the 2CV, DS, Ami, SM, GS, AX, BX, CX, XM and more!
To join the club please use this form to provide your information and payment. For questions, please contact membership coordinator David Bruckmann
Dues are US$30.00, payable by PayPal or credit card after using the form to provide your information.
Click here to sign up for the 2024 Holiday Luncheon
Your contribution subsidizes not only the production of a regular newsletter, but also our monthly Club events, including the annual holiday luncheon, scheduled this year for Sat Dec 14th.
Click here to join or renew your membership!
As you can see, we had a fairly full slate of events despite the pandemic. In normal times, we try to hold at least one event every month, sometimes indoors, sometimes out.
As the pandemic clears, we’ll continue to hold socially (but not emotionally) distanced driving events.
For 2025 we’d like to get back to holding an event in every month apart from January, but we need ideas! So don’t be shy, drop us a note with suggested starting points, museums, and/or driving routes.
calendar of ëvents - 2024
February 24 - Rosicrucian Museum - San José
March 16 - Pre-Stage rally and scenic drive to Sonoma Raceway - Marin County Civic Center
April 20 - Drive from Pacifica down the coast to the French Market Carnival - Saratoga
June 15 - Pre-Stage rally and scenic drive to Citroën, Studebaker, and AACA event in Petaluma
July 13 - Bastille Day in San Francisco with Citroëns on official display!
Oct 18-20 - West Coast Citroën Rendez-Vous, Merced, California.
Autumn TBD - Possible Mt. Hamilton run
Sat Dec 14 - Holiday luncheon at the Basque Cultural Center. Click HERE to register.
calendar of ëvents - 2023
April 23 - Cars and Coffee - San Mateo
May 28 - Private collection - San Jose
June 18 - Show-and-shine with docent-led tour of the Cobra Experience
July 30 - Cars and Coffee - new venue, San Mateo
Sept 2 - Auto Vino - San Carlos
Sept 23 - French Connexion Rally - Geyserville
Sept 29 to Oct 1 - West Coast Citroën Rendez-Vous, Santa Maria, California.
October 8 - Golden Gate Cars and Culture
Sat Dec 9 - Holiday luncheon at the Basque Cultural Center.
calendar of ëvents - 2022
March 6 - Docent-led tour of Shadelands Ranch, scenic drive to Blackhawk Museum
April 9 - Scenic drive from Vacaville to Napa
April 24 - Valt Auto event at Golden Gate Fields
Sat June 25 - Mines Road and Mount Hamilton driving tour
July 16 - Bastille Day in San Francisco with Citroëns on official display!
Sept 18 - Castro Valley to Niles picnic lunch, followed by a ride on the Niles Canyon Train!
October 1 - Treasure Island Museum and luncheon on the Island
Oct 21-23 - West Coast Citroën Rendez-Vous - Sonora, California
Sat Dec 10 - Holiday luncheon at the Basque Cultural Center.
calendar of ëvents - 2021
Sat Feb 27 - Scenic drive from Crockett to Tilden Park
Sun May 16 - Scenic drive from Lawrence Hall of Science to Niles - joint drive w Arcane Auto Club
Sun July 11 - Drive from the Pétanque Marinière via China Camp and finishing at Loch Lomond Marina Park
Sat Sep 11 - Surprise 101st birthday celebration for Norma Cowden - Amista Vineyards, Healdsburg
Fri-Sun Sep 17-19 - West Coast Citroën Rendez Vous @ Pismo Beach
Sun Oct 17 - Scenic drive starting and ending in Livermore
Sun Nov 14 - Scenic drive through Napa
Sat Dec 11 - Holiday luncheon at the Basque Cultural Center.
calendar of ëvents - 2020
SUN Feb 16 - Duarte Garage and Lincoln Highway Museum - Livermore
SAT Mar 7 - All-members’ meeting - Martinez
SAT Apr 18 - Treasure Island Museum and historical walking tour - POSTPONED, date TBD
SAT May 9 - Driving tour from Los Gatos up Mt. Umunhum - POSTPONED, date TBD
SUN June 7 - Tour of 50-car collection - Joint event with Sacramento Valley Citroën Club - Lodi
SAT July 25 - Socially distanced driving tour - de la Pétanque Marinière au Marconi Conference Center
September 18-20 - West Coast Citroën Rendezvous - POSTPONED to Sept 2021!
SAT September 26 - Socially distanced driving tour - Los Gatos via Mt. Umunhum to Morgan Hill
November 21 - Scenic drive starting in Castro Valley with picnic lunch in Livermore
December - Annual Holiday Gathering - San Francisco - POSTPONED to Dec 2021!
calendar of ëvents - 2019
Feb 16 - Visit to the Crockett Historical Society, lunch at the Nantucket Restaurant
March 10 - R19 Planning Committee meeting
March 24 - Visit to the Hiller Aviation Museum followed by lunch at Peter Koine’s shop!
April 7 - Joint event with Sacramento Valley Citroën Club - Lodi
May 5 - Séka Hills Olive Tour
June 8 - Bay Model Marin tour and Bolinas picnic
July 13 - Bastille Day in San Francisco with Citroëns on official display!
August 3 - Berkeley Cit-in Rally
September 20-22 - West Coast Citroën Rendezvous
October 12 - Delta Tour, including a visit to the Locke Boarding House Museum
October 19-20 - Evan Morris potluck in Colfax - joint event with Sacramento Valley Citroën Club
SATURDAY November 9 - Scenic drive starting in Castro Valley with picnic lunch
SATURDAY November 16 - French Fair in Palo Alto
December 8th - Annual Holiday Luncheon at Isa Restaurant in the Marina
past calendars of ëvents
leadership team
•Newsletter Editor, Kimberly Richardson
• ACI Delegate - Western USA, Richard Bonfond
Homë Rendez Vous ‘22 CitroBlog Photos Vintage Citroën Citroën California Moviës